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Public contract (offer) for order, purchase, sale and delivery of goods


1.1. Public offer (hereinafter —  the "Offer") — a public Seller's offer, addressed to an undefined circle of persons, to conclude a contract of purchase and sale of goods by a remote method with Seller (hereinafter   the "Agreement") on the terms and conditions, contained in this Offer, including all Annexes.

1.2. Order   the Customer's decision to order the goods and their delivery, executed in the online store, and/or orders for the purchase and delivery of goods.

1.3. Online store in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On electronic commerce", means of presenting or selling goods, work or services by making an electronic transaction.

1.4. Seller   a company that sells goods presented on the internet site.

1.5. Buyer   an individual who has concluded a contract with the Seller on the conditions set out below.

1.6. Order   a selection of separate items from the list of goods specified by the Purchaser when placing the order and making payment.


2.1. This offer is an official of TM "" (represented by Kartseva Olga, FLP and Sheruda Natalia, FLP), hereinafter referred to as "Seller", to conclude the Agreement for the purchase and sale of goods remotely, that is through an online store, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement", and places The Public Offer (proposal website of the Seller '«" (hereinafter referred to as "website"). 

2.2. The moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the Purchaser of the Seller's offer to conclude an electronic contract of sale and purchase of goods is considered the fact that the Purchaser has paid for the order on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in terms and at prices specified on the Seller's website. 


3.1. The price for each item of the Product is specified on the website of the Online Shop.

3.2. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change the price for any item of the Goods.

3.3. In case of price change for the ordered Goods, the Seller undertakes to inform the Buyer of the change in the price of the Goods.

3.4. The Purchaser has the right to confirm or cancel an Order for the Goods if the price has been changed by the Seller after the Order has been placed. 

3.5. The Seller may not change the price of the Goods paid by the Buyer.

3.6. The Seller shall specify the cost of delivery of the Goods on the Internet-shop website or inform the Buyer when placing an Order by the Operator.

3.7. Obligations of the Buyer on payment for the Goods are considered to be fulfilled from the moment of receipt of funds by the Seller.

3.8. Settlements between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods shall be made by the methods specified on the Internet-shop website in the section "Delivery and payment".


4.1. The Buyer has the right to place an order for any goods presented on the website of the Internet-shop or through the operator by phone: +38 (050) 328 85 88.

4.2. When placing an order on the Online's Shop's website, the Buyer shall provide the following registration information:

4.2.1. name, surname, patronymic of the Buyer or the person (recipient) indicated by him;

4.2.2. the address at which the Product shall be delivered (if delivery to the Purchaser's address);

4.2.3. the e-mail address;

4.2.4. contact telephone number.

4.3. The name, quantity, set number, price of the goods, chosen by the Buyer shall be specified in the Buyer's basket on the website of the online stories.

4.4. If the Seller needs additional information, he has the right to request it from Buyer. If the Buyer fails to provide the necessary information, the Seller shall not be liable for the provision of quality service to the Buyer when purchasing goods from the online store. 

4.5. When placing an Order through an Operator (clause 4.1. of this Offer), the Buyer shall provide the information specified in clause 4.2. of this Offer. 

4.6. Acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer is performed by entering the relevant data into the registration form on the Internet-shop website or when placing the Order through the Operator. After registration of the Order through the Operator, data on the Purchaser shall be registered in the Seller's database. 

4.7. The Buyer shall be responsible for the reliability of the provided information when placing the Order.

4.8. An agreement of purchase and sale by remote method between the Seller and the Purchaser is considered to have been concluded from the moment of electronic execution of an order at the service of the online store site or when the Seller issues cash or commodity check or other document confirming payment for the Goods to the Purchaser. 


5.1. The Buyer shall coordinate the methods, procedure, and terms of delivery of the ordered goods with the online store operator at the moment of purchase. 

5.2. Self-delivery of goods:

5.2.1. After the formation of the order the Buyer can make the calculation and get the goods at the address: Kazimira Malevicha, str. 86-Ы from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

5.2.2. Ownership and risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods pass to Customer or his Representative from the moment of receiving the goods by means of signing of the goods receipt (and/or order to purchase and deliver the goods) by the Parties.

5.3. Delivery of the goods is carried out on its own by the employees of the Internet store according to the delivery terms, or with the involvement of third parties (carrier).

5.4. Upon receipt of the Goods the Customer shall, in the presence of courier representative, check the compliance of the Goods with the qualitative and quantitive characteristics (name of the Goods, quantity, completeness, conformity).

5.5. When accepting the goods, the Customer or the Customer's representative shall confirm by signing the receipt of the goods and/or order for delivery goods, which has no claims to the quantity, appearance, or completeness of the goods. 


6.1. Return of goods to the online store is made in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. Return of goods to the online store is made at the expense of the Buyer.

6.3. When the Buyer returns the goods of appropriate quality, the online store returns the amount of money paid for the goods on the fact of returning the goods less the reimbursement of online store costs associated with the delivery of goods to the Buyer. 


7.1. Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or importer fulfillment of conditions of this agreement in the order provided by this agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.

7.2. The Seller is not responsible for:

- for insignificant discrepancy of the color scheme of the goods, which may differ from the original goods only due to different color transmission of personal computer monitors and phone screens of certain models;

- for the content and truthfulness of the information provided by the Purchaser when placing the order;

- for delays and interruptions in the provision of the Services (order processing and delivery of goods), which occur for reasons beyond its control;

- for illegal actions performed by Purchaser through this Internet access;

7.3. The Buyer, using the Internet access granted to him, shall be liable for the damage caused by his actions (personally, even if another person was under his login) to persons of their property, legal entities, the state, or moral principles of morality.

7.4. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the parties shall be exempt from compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The force-majeure circumstances for the purposes of this contract shall mean the events of extraordinary, unforeseen nature that exclude or objectively interfere with the execution of this contract, the occurrence of which the Parties could not have foreseen and prevented by reasonable means.

7.5. The Parties shall do their best to settle any disagreements exclusively through negotiations. 

